"The Runaways might as well have been called "Joan and Cherie" since it barely focused on all the members of the band (the bassist was a fictionalized character because they went through several girls)"
"It's funny how some of them look exactly the same, just smaller versions of themselves (I'm looking at you baby Orlando), and others you can see certain traits that you recognize now, and some don't l"
"Awesome stuff, I love Umbrella Academy and Armory Wars."
"Give me Martin any day of the week, he's precious!"
"I hadn't realized that Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger had been together for that long already. ^_^"
"Definitely agree (with the Bale comment and the smell comment). I've known guys (and a few chicks) who have long hair but they never wash so they smell and are all greasy and , yeah, blah. ^_^"
"It's funny how you can imagine some of them in the roles, but others you can't imagine anyone else doing it then the actor who took the role. ^_^"
"With the exception of Downton Abby and Merlin (gotta watch the first season first) I've recently added most of these shwos to my viewing list and actually manage to keep up (mostly). ^_^"
"God, Supernatural and Vampire Diaries are terrible to their guys :("
"I think my worst ones are definitely Jensen, Ian, and Leo. If they cry, I cry (I won't jump Jack, sorry hahaha). ^_^"
"Man, there's loads of people in Magnolia-I'll definitely check it out. Thanks guys ^_^"
"Gah! That's who's missing! I couldn't remember someone, hahaha. ^_^"
"Your mouth says, 'Shields up!', but your eyes say, 'A hull breach is imminent.' Hahahahaha."
"Wait, wait, wait, some people hate Adrien Brody?! How is that even possible? ^_^"
"Oh god, Tom Cruise's profile! Hahaha. Though the "There is only one color of dress for romantic comedies," not all of the movies are romcoms, like Resident Evil. ^_^"
"I love their music, period, so just trying to choose was time-consuming. ^_^"
"I feel so sorry for Raj also, they should have some actress guest star to be his girlfriend. ^_^"
"Too sexy. Too much. Haha. I totally agree with all of these by the way."